8 research outputs found

    Fault Detection and Isolation in Controlled Multi-Robot Systems

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    Multi-Agent Systems (MASs) have attracted much popularity, since the previous decade due to their potential wide range of applications. Indeed, connected MASs are deployed in order to achieve more complex objectives that could otherwise not be achievable by a single agent. In distributed schemes, agents must share their information with their neighbours, which are then used for common control and fault detection purposes, and thus do not require any central monitoring unit. This translates into the necessity to develop efficient distributed algorithms in terms of robustness and safety. Indeed, the problem of safety in connected cooperative MASs has arisen as a consequence of their complexity and the nature of their operations and wireless communication exchanges, which renders them vulnerable to not only physical faults, but also to cyber-attacks. The main focus of this thesis is the study of distributed fault and attack detection and isolation in connected MASs. First, a distributed methodology for global detection of actuator faults in a class of linear MASs with unknown disturbances is proposed using a cascade of fixed-time Sliding Mode Observers (SMOs), where each agent having access to their state, and neighbouring information exchanges, can give an exact estimate of the state of the overall MAS. An LMI-based approach is then applied to design distributed global robust residual signals at each agent capable of detecting faults anywhere in the network. This is then extended to agents with nonlinear nonholonomic dynamics where a new distributed robust Fault Detection and Isolation (FDI) scheme is proposed using predefined-time stability techniques to derive adequate distributed SMOs. This enables to reconstruct the global system state in a predefined-time and generate proper residual signals. The case of MASs with higher order integrator dynamics, where only the first state variable is measurable and the topology is switching is investigated, where a new approach to identify faults and deception attacks is introduced. The proposed protocol makes an agent act as a central node monitoring the whole system activities in a distributed fashion whereby a bank of distributed predefined-time SMOs for global state estimation are designed, which are then used to generate residual signals capable of identifying cyber-attacks despite the switching topology. The problem of attack and FDI in connected heterogeneous MASs with directed graphs, is then studied. First, the problem of distributed fault detection for a team of heterogeneous MASs with linear dynamics is investigated, where a new output observer scheme is proposed which is effective for both directed and undirected topologies. The main advantage of this approach is that the design, being dependant only on the input-output relations, renders the computational cost, information exchange and scalability very effective compared to other FDI approaches that employ the whole state estimation of the agents and their neighbours as a basis for their design. A more general model is then studied, where actuator, sensor and communication faults/attacks are considered in the robust detection and isolation process for nonlinear heterogeneous MASs with measurement noise, dynamic disturbances and communication parameter uncertainties, where the topology is not required to be undirected. This is done using a distributed finite-frequency mixed H_/H1 nonlinear UIO-based approach. Simulation examples are given for each of the proposed algorithms to show their effectiveness and robustness

    Distributed Passive Fault Tolerant Formation Tracking for Uncertain Second Order Multi-Agent Systems

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    This paper deals with the problem of distributed passive fault tolerant formation tracking control for cooperative second order multi-agent systems (MASs) subject to disturbances and sensor/actuator faults. The proposed scheme is based on decentralized observers used to robustly estimate the actuator and sensor faults in spite of disturbances. These estimates are then injected into a dynamic control law in order to mitigate their effects on the control objective. Using the Hcomethod, graph theory properties and the projection lemma, sufficient conditions in the form of a set of linear matrix inequalities (LMIs) are derived to guarantee the stabilization of the tracking errors while reducing the effects of sensor and actuator faults and disturbances. A numerical simulation illustrates the effectiveness of the proposed passive fault-tolerant control scheme

    A Distributed Observer-Based Cyber-Attack Identification Scheme in Cooperative Networked Systems under Switching Communication Topologies

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    This paper studies an approach for detecting cyber attacks against networked cooperative systems (NCS) that are assumed to be working in a cyber-physical environment. NCS are prone to anomalies both due to cyber and physical attacks and faults. Cyber-attacks being more hazardous given the cooperative nature of the NCS may lead to disastrous consequences and thus need to be detected as soon as they occur by all systems in the network. Our approach deals with two types of malicious attacks aimed at compromising the stability of the NCS: intrusion attacks/local malfunctions on individual systems and deception/cyber-attacks on the communication between the systems. In order to detect and identify such attacks under switching communication topologies, this paper proposes a new distributed methodology that solves global state estimation of the NCS where the aim is identifying anomalies in the networked system using residuals generated by monitoring agents such that coverage of the entire network is assured. A cascade of predefined-time sliding mode switched observers is introduced for each agent to achieve a fast estimate of the global state whereby the settling time is an a priori defined parameter independently of the initial conditions. Then, using the conventional consensus algorithm, a set of residuals are generated by the agents that is capable of detecting and isolating local intrusion attacks and communication cyber-attacks in the network using only locally exchanged information. In order to prove the effectiveness of the proposed method, the framework is tested for a velocity synchronization seeking network of mobile robots

    Détection et isolation des défauts dans les systÚmes multi-robots contrÎlés

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    Les systĂšmes multi-agents (SMAs) ont beaucoup attirĂ© depuis la dĂ©cennie prĂ©cĂ©dente en raison de leur large Ă©ventail d’applications. En effet, les SMAs connectĂ©s sont dĂ©ployĂ©s afin d’atteindre un objectif plus complexe qui pourrait autrement ne pas ĂȘtre rĂ©alisable par un seul agent. Dans les approches distribuĂ©es, les agents doivent partager leurs informations avec leurs voisins, qui sont ensuite utilisĂ©s Ă  des fins de commande et de dĂ©tection de dĂ©faut, et ne nĂ©cessitent donc aucune unitĂ© de surveillance centrale. Cela se traduit par la nĂ©cessitĂ© de dĂ©velopper des algorithmes distribuĂ©s efficaces en termes de robustesse et de sĂ©curitĂ©. En effet, le problĂšme de la sĂ©curitĂ© dans les SMAs coopĂ©rants et connectĂ©s est apparu Ă  la suite de leur complexitĂ©, de la nature de leurs opĂ©rations et de leurs Ă©changes via communication sans fil, ce qui les rend vulnĂ©rables non seulement aux dĂ©fauts physiques, mais Ă©galement aux cyber-attaques. L’étude de la dĂ©tection et de l’isolation distribuĂ©es de fautes et des attaques dans les SMAs est la principale contribution de cette thĂšse. PremiĂšrement, une mĂ©thodologie distribuĂ©e de dĂ©tection globale des dĂ©fauts d’actionneur dans une classe de systĂšmes multiagents linĂ©aires avec des perturbations inconnues est proposĂ©e Ă  l’aide d’une cascade d’observateurs mode glissant Ă  temps fixe, oĂč chaque agent ayant accĂšs Ă  leur Ă©tat et les Ă©changes d’informations voisins, peuvent donner une estimation exacte de l’état du systĂšme global. Une approche basĂ©e sur les InĂ©galitĂ©s Matricielles LinĂ©aires (IMLs) est ensuite utilisĂ©e pour la conception distribuĂ©e de rĂ©sidus robustes au niveau de chaque agent, ces rĂ©sidus Ă©tant capable de dĂ©tecter des dĂ©fauts n’importe oĂč dans la flotte. Celle-ci est ensuite Ă©tendue aux agents avec une dynamique non linĂ©aire non holonome dans laquelle un nouvel algorithme robuste et distribuĂ© de dĂ©tection et d’isolation de dĂ©fauts est proposĂ© Ă  l’aide de techniques de stabilitĂ© Ă  temps prĂ©dĂ©fini afin de construire des observateurs mode glissant distribuĂ©. Cela permet de reconstruire l’état du systĂšme global dans un temps prĂ©dĂ©fini et de gĂ©nĂ©rer correctement des signaux rĂ©siduels. Le cas des systĂšmes multi-agents sous forme de chaĂźne d’intĂ©grateurs, oĂč seule la premiĂšre variable d’état est mesurable et la topologie est dynamique, est Ă©tudiĂ©, oĂč une nouvelle approche pour identifier les dĂ©fauts et les cyber-attaques est introduite. L’algorithme proposĂ© fait en sorte que chaque agent joue le rĂŽle d’une unitĂ© de surveillance centrale de l’ensemble des activitĂ©s du systĂšme de maniĂšre distribuĂ©e, en employant des banques d’observateurs mode glissant basĂ©s sur la notion de stabilitĂ© prĂ©dĂ©finie, oĂč l’estimation de l’état global et des signaux rĂ©siduels duquel ils sont gĂ©nĂ©rĂ©s se fait avant chaque instant de changement de topologie de communication. Ces rĂ©sidus sont alors capables de distinguer les cyber-attaques, des fautes physiques malgrĂ© la topologie commutĂ©e. Le problĂšme de la dĂ©tection et de l’isolation des attaques et des fautes dans des systĂšmes hĂ©tĂ©rogĂšnes connectĂ©s avec des topologies dirigĂ©es, est ensuite Ă©tudiĂ©. PremiĂšrement, le problĂšme de la dĂ©tection distribuĂ©s des dĂ©fauts actionneurs pour les systĂšmes multi-agents linĂ©aires et hĂ©tĂ©rogĂšnes est traitĂ©, oĂč un nouveau systĂšme d’observateur de sortie a Ă©tĂ© proposĂ© pour les topologies dirigĂ©es et non dirigĂ©es. Le principal avantage de cette approche est que la conception ne dĂ©pend que des relations entrĂ©es/sorties, ce qui rend le temps de calcul, la quantitĂ© d’informations Ă©changĂ©es et la flexibilitĂ©, trĂšs intĂ©ressants par rapport Ă  d’autres approches qui utilisent l’estimation de tout l’état des agents et leurs voisins comme base de leur conception....Multi-Agent Systems (MASs) have attracted much popularity, since the previous decade due to their potential wide range of applications. Indeed, connected MASs are deployed in order to achieve more complex objectives that could otherwise not be achievable by a single agent. In distributed schemes, agents must share their information with their neighbours, which are then used for common control and fault detection purposes, and thus do not require any central monitoring unit. This translates into the necessity to develop efficient distributed algorithms in terms of robustness and safety. Indeed, the problem of safety in connected cooperative MASs has arisen as a consequence of their complexity and the nature of their operations and wireless communication exchanges, which renders them vulnerable to not only physical faults, but also to cyber-attacks. The main focus of this thesis is the study of distributed fault and attack detection and isolation in connected MASs. First, a distributed methodology for global detection of actuator faults in a class of linear MASs with unknown disturbances is proposed using a cascade of fixed-time Sliding Mode Observers (SMOs), where each agent having access to their state, and neighbouring information exchanges, can give an exact estimate of the state of the overall MAS. An LMI-based approach is then applied to design distributed global robust residual signals at each agent capable of detecting faults anywhere in the network. This is then extended to agents with nonlinear nonholonomic dynamics where a new distributed robust Fault Detection and Isolation (FDI) scheme is proposed using predefined-time stability techniques to derive adequate distributed SMOs. This enables to reconstruct the global system state in a predefined-time and generate proper residual signals. The case of MASs with higher order integrator dynamics, where only the first state variable is measurable and the topology is switching is investigated, where a new approach to identify faults and deception attacks is introduced. The proposed protocol makes an agent act as a central node monitoring the whole system activities in a distributed fashion whereby a bank of distributed predefined-time SMOs for global state estimation are designed, which are then used to generate residual signals capable of identifying cyber-attacks despite the switching topology. The problem of attack and FDI in connected heterogeneous MASs with directed graphs, is then studied. First, the problem of distributed fault detection for a team of heterogeneous MASs with linear dynamics is investigated, where a new output observer scheme is proposed which is effective for both directed and undirected topologies. The main advantage of this approach is that the design, being dependant only on the input-output relations, renders the computational cost, information exchange and scalability very effective compared to other FDI approaches that employ the whole state estimation of the agents and their neighbours as a basis for their design. A more general model is then studied, where actuator, sensor and communication faults/attacks are considered in the robust detection and isolation process for nonlinear heterogeneous MASs with measurement noise, dynamic disturbances and communication parameter uncertainties, where the topology is not required to be undirected. This is done using a distributed finite-frequency mixed H_/H1 nonlinear UIO-based approach. Simulation examples are given for each of the proposed algorithms to show their effectiveness and robustness

    Détection et isolation des défauts dans les systÚmes multi-robots contrÎlés

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    Multi-Agent Systems (MASs) have attracted much popularity, since the previous decade due to their potential wide range of applications. Indeed, connected MASs are deployed in order to achieve more complex objectives that could otherwise not be achievable by a single agent. In distributed schemes, agents must share their information with their neighbours, which are then used for common control and fault detection purposes, and thus do not require any central monitoring unit. This translates into the necessity to develop efficient distributed algorithms in terms of robustness and safety. Indeed, the problem of safety in connected cooperative MASs has arisen as a consequence of their complexity and the nature of their operations and wireless communication exchanges, which renders them vulnerable to not only physical faults, but also to cyber-attacks. The main focus of this thesis is the study of distributed fault and attack detection and isolation in connected MASs. First, a distributed methodology for global detection of actuator faults in a class of linear MASs with unknown disturbances is proposed using a cascade of fixed-time Sliding Mode Observers (SMOs), where each agent having access to their state, and neighbouring information exchanges, can give an exact estimate of the state of the overall MAS. An LMI-based approach is then applied to design distributed global robust residual signals at each agent capable of detecting faults anywhere in the network. This is then extended to agents with nonlinear nonholonomic dynamics where a new distributed robust Fault Detection and Isolation (FDI) scheme is proposed using predefined-time stability techniques to derive adequate distributed SMOs. This enables to reconstruct the global system state in a predefined-time and generate proper residual signals. The case of MASs with higher order integrator dynamics, where only the first state variable is measurable and the topology is switching is investigated, where a new approach to identify faults and deception attacks is introduced. The proposed protocol makes an agent act as a central node monitoring the whole system activities in a distributed fashion whereby a bank of distributed predefined-time SMOs for global state estimation are designed, which are then used to generate residual signals capable of identifying cyber-attacks despite the switching topology. The problem of attack and FDI in connected heterogeneous MASs with directed graphs, is then studied. First, the problem of distributed fault detection for a team of heterogeneous MASs with linear dynamics is investigated, where a new output observer scheme is proposed which is effective for both directed and undirected topologies. The main advantage of this approach is that the design, being dependant only on the input-output relations, renders the computational cost, information exchange and scalability very effective compared to other FDI approaches that employ the whole state estimation of the agents and their neighbours as a basis for their design. A more general model is then studied, where actuator, sensor and communication faults/attacks are considered in the robust detection and isolation process for nonlinear heterogeneous MASs with measurement noise, dynamic disturbances and communication parameter uncertainties, where the topology is not required to be undirected. This is done using a distributed finite-frequency mixed H_/H1 nonlinear UIO-based approach. Simulation examples are given for each of the proposed algorithms to show their effectiveness and robustness.Les systĂšmes multi-agents (SMAs) ont beaucoup attirĂ© depuis la dĂ©cennie prĂ©cĂ©dente en raison de leur large Ă©ventail d’applications. En effet, les SMAs connectĂ©s sont dĂ©ployĂ©s afin d’atteindre un objectif plus complexe qui pourrait autrement ne pas ĂȘtre rĂ©alisable par un seul agent. Dans les approches distribuĂ©es, les agents doivent partager leurs informations avec leurs voisins, qui sont ensuite utilisĂ©s Ă  des fins de commande et de dĂ©tection de dĂ©faut, et ne nĂ©cessitent donc aucune unitĂ© de surveillance centrale. Cela se traduit par la nĂ©cessitĂ© de dĂ©velopper des algorithmes distribuĂ©s efficaces en termes de robustesse et de sĂ©curitĂ©. En effet, le problĂšme de la sĂ©curitĂ© dans les SMAs coopĂ©rants et connectĂ©s est apparu Ă  la suite de leur complexitĂ©, de la nature de leurs opĂ©rations et de leurs Ă©changes via communication sans fil, ce qui les rend vulnĂ©rables non seulement aux dĂ©fauts physiques, mais Ă©galement aux cyber-attaques. L’étude de la dĂ©tection et de l’isolation distribuĂ©es de fautes et des attaques dans les SMAs est la principale contribution de cette thĂšse. PremiĂšrement, une mĂ©thodologie distribuĂ©e de dĂ©tection globale des dĂ©fauts d’actionneur dans une classe de systĂšmes multiagents linĂ©aires avec des perturbations inconnues est proposĂ©e Ă  l’aide d’une cascade d’observateurs mode glissant Ă  temps fixe, oĂč chaque agent ayant accĂšs Ă  leur Ă©tat et les Ă©changes d’informations voisins, peuvent donner une estimation exacte de l’état du systĂšme global. Une approche basĂ©e sur les InĂ©galitĂ©s Matricielles LinĂ©aires (IMLs) est ensuite utilisĂ©e pour la conception distribuĂ©e de rĂ©sidus robustes au niveau de chaque agent, ces rĂ©sidus Ă©tant capable de dĂ©tecter des dĂ©fauts n’importe oĂč dans la flotte. Celle-ci est ensuite Ă©tendue aux agents avec une dynamique non linĂ©aire non holonome dans laquelle un nouvel algorithme robuste et distribuĂ© de dĂ©tection et d’isolation de dĂ©fauts est proposĂ© Ă  l’aide de techniques de stabilitĂ© Ă  temps prĂ©dĂ©fini afin de construire des observateurs mode glissant distribuĂ©. Cela permet de reconstruire l’état du systĂšme global dans un temps prĂ©dĂ©fini et de gĂ©nĂ©rer correctement des signaux rĂ©siduels. Le cas des systĂšmes multi-agents sous forme de chaĂźne d’intĂ©grateurs, oĂč seule la premiĂšre variable d’état est mesurable et la topologie est dynamique, est Ă©tudiĂ©, oĂč une nouvelle approche pour identifier les dĂ©fauts et les cyber-attaques est introduite. L’algorithme proposĂ© fait en sorte que chaque agent joue le rĂŽle d’une unitĂ© de surveillance centrale de l’ensemble des activitĂ©s du systĂšme de maniĂšre distribuĂ©e, en employant des banques d’observateurs mode glissant basĂ©s sur la notion de stabilitĂ© prĂ©dĂ©finie, oĂč l’estimation de l’état global et des signaux rĂ©siduels duquel ils sont gĂ©nĂ©rĂ©s se fait avant chaque instant de changement de topologie de communication. Ces rĂ©sidus sont alors capables de distinguer les cyber-attaques, des fautes physiques malgrĂ© la topologie commutĂ©e. Le problĂšme de la dĂ©tection et de l’isolation des attaques et des fautes dans des systĂšmes hĂ©tĂ©rogĂšnes connectĂ©s avec des topologies dirigĂ©es, est ensuite Ă©tudiĂ©. PremiĂšrement, le problĂšme de la dĂ©tection distribuĂ©s des dĂ©fauts actionneurs pour les systĂšmes multi-agents linĂ©aires et hĂ©tĂ©rogĂšnes est traitĂ©, oĂč un nouveau systĂšme d’observateur de sortie a Ă©tĂ© proposĂ© pour les topologies dirigĂ©es et non dirigĂ©es. Le principal avantage de cette approche est que la conception ne dĂ©pend que des relations entrĂ©es/sorties, ce qui rend le temps de calcul, la quantitĂ© d’informations Ă©changĂ©es et la flexibilitĂ©, trĂšs intĂ©ressants par rapport Ă  d’autres approches qui utilisent l’estimation de tout l’état des agents et leurs voisins comme base de leur conception...

    A distributed fault detection scheme in disturbed heterogeneous networked systems

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    This paper deals with the problem of distributed fault detection and isolation (FDI) in multi-agent systems (MASs) with disturbed high order dynamics subject to communication uncertainties and faults. Distributed finite-frequency mixed

    Distributed global fault detection scheme in multi‐agent systems with chained‐form dynamics

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    This paper studies the problem of distributed robust actuator fault detection for multi‐agent systems composed of multiple unicycle‐type mobile agents with chained form dynamics. This objective is achieved through the design of cascades of predefined‐time sliding mode observers to give an exact estimate of the global system state, whereby the settling time is a parameter defined in advance, which does not depend on the initial conditions of the system. The system structure allows us to reconstruct the disturbance inputs using the equivalent control concept to generate efficient residual signals. This method ensures global actuator fault detection, where each agent can detect its faults and those occurring elsewhere in the system using only local information

    Supported PdZn nanoparticles for selective CO2 conversion, through the grafting of a heterobimetallic complex on CeZrOx

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    International audienceControlling the stoichiometry of supported bimetallic nanoparticles is essential in many catalytic reactions, notably selective CO2 hydrogenation. Thus, a new strategy to ensure the preferred stoichiometry (1:1) of supported bimetallic PdZn nanoparticles is presented, involving the deposition of a heterobimetallic precursor, [PdZn(Ό-OOCMe)4]2 on a CeZrOx support. After calcination and reduction, the material contained mainly a PdZn alloy, as revealed by powder XRD and XAFS, and further supported by XPS, TEM-EDX, elemental analysis and in-situ IR at low temperature using CO as probe molecule. Moreover, a minor phase of oxidized Zn was determined by XAFS. This PdZn/CeZrOx reduced catalyst was combined with SAPO-34 to form a tandem catalytic system for CO2 conversion to hydrocarbons. This system could readily convert CO2 and H2 at high temperature (380 °C) into hydrocarbons with a conversion of 24% and high relative selectivity in light hydrocarbons (C2-C3: 82%) with virtually no deactivation of the catalyst after 16 hours on stream. Controlled experiments were performed with Pd/CeZrOx and Zn/CeZrOx in order to gain supplementary insights on this system: Pd/CeZrOx gave only methane and Zn/CeZrOx gave mainly CO under the same conditions. The latter clearly shows that the control of the formation of PdZn phase has great impact for the selective production of hydrocarbons